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Saturday, 6 March 2010

WebConferencing - Online Eventing

How to extend your reach more effectively

Imagine the scenario ....... you've arranged an important seminar or annual conference at an excellent location and everyone's due to arrive. You get a call from someone who really needs to be there but something critical has intervened; worse, a main speaker to the meeting is unable to travel. Well, postponing the meeeting isn't an option and so you just have to come up with a solution.

Is there a way that those who can't make it can be enabled to be there? Well, "beam me up Scottie!" isn't yet a realistic option but Web Conferencing is today's reality and could be the solution. What if those absent could truly attend, able to watch, listen and generally participate? That missing speaker could be shown live on a large screen able to deliver that all-important presentation to the main meeting just as effectively as if there in person, even able to use those necessary presentation tools such as PowerPoint.

Th speaker's backdrop could be something more in tune with the presentation, rather than just the backdrop of a venue platform. Video & audio content can be integrated into the presentation and other presenters might also be faded in and out. An interesting website could be be brought up in real time to illustrate a point.

The remote presenter can effectively field audience questions too, or chair a Q & A session. In fact crucial experts can be drafted into the meeting from anywhere in the world. And all this without losing what many consider to be such an important part of such gatherings, the element of "at the event" people networking.

Ok, so those joing in remotely will have to provide their own refreshments but what flexibility! And all at an affordable cost.

Apply this technology to your organisation's AGM and no-one needs to miss out, no matter how far from the actual meeting. And guess what? ..... not only can those remote attendees put important questions "from the floor" but it is possible too for them to vote on important issues such as whether agreeing or not to the previous meeting minutes or to adopt the current financial statement. Indeed that financial statement can be shared with and seen by those connected to the meeting just as effectively as the hard copy handed out to those coming in through the door.

On top of all this the entire proceedings can be recorded for later viewing over a secure Internet connection, or indeed archived as a minuted record of proceedings.

All that's needed to make Online Eventing a reality is to ensure that all participating locations have an adequate broadband feed, and access to PC resources with the usual audio & video capabilities. Then you have the ingredients to make that carefully planned meeting an even more rewarding and inclusive event.

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